Thursday 19 June 2008

Star-Dog Log 080410 - Le Mont Dore

She's got two friends staying so we took them off down to the mountains with the trailer, the tent and the awning. She bought me a new squeaky toy - hooray! After they'd eaten, it started to rain, hail, sleet and snow, but we all sat in the awning. One of them had a guitar thingy and they all sang but they were hopeless at keeping time, so I had to play my squeaky toy all evening to stop them going too off key or getting too far behind the beat. It was really tiring. I got so very tired and so very cold. Must go to sleep now, so very tired.

Meic fell asleep shortly after a very enjoyable final evening. His spirit left him that night, there in the mountains he loved, although his body lived on, so we made a last, sad final journey together home via the vets, where he stayed behind for the last time.

Good night, my darling boy, sleep well.

Star-Dog Log 080303 - Gelles

Freezing? I'll say it was freezing! They were forecasting snow so she wouldn't take the trailer and we tented it. Woke up to 4" of snow - it was like sleeping in an igloo! Well cool. I love snow, especially eating it but guess wot, she never lets me. I like trying to catch each flake before it falls, too, but it gets pretty tiring when there's that much of it around.

Star-Dog Log 080225 - Ceyrat

Back to one we'd been to before but just the small tent this time cos I had to go to the vet again - more long faces from her, and they keep taking legs' full of my blood and so many X-rays I'll soon be glowing in the dark. Still, we enjoyed our little break, and found a quiet corner of the site with no caravans or anything about so I could make lots of lovely noise with one of my squeaky toys.

Star-Dog Log 080218 - Gelles

The French think she's crazy, and I'm starting to have my doubts. No-one but us goes camping at this time of year! We went to a place called Gelles. She said it means freezing, or something, and I'm not surprised, it was! But we had fun, there was room for me to run about with my toys and we did a little walk round and about. She got excited about some sort of rocking stone or something. How boring is that? A big rock that wobbles - wow!

Star-Dog Log 080211 - Le Mont Dore

Went quite a long way this time, well, for us, down to some mountains. She's got some friends coming soon and wanted to find somewhere to take them. The only site open wasn't nice at all, very crowded, nearly in the town, horrible volcanic clinker to walk on, not nice for my paws, and nothing to chase. But we had a nice picnic on the way back, sitting in the sun in a very quiet park place, sharing cups of tea.

Star-Dog Log 080128 - Les Martres des Veyre

Thought the idea was to get away for some peace and quiet? So why did she pick a site between a main road and a railway, underneath a flight path? But I had another really good laugh when she tried putting up the awning on the tent, ready to sit and watch the setting sun, but it took her so long it was nearly dark by the time it was finished!

Star-Dog Log 080121 - Teilhede

Another night in the van at the picnic site. People must think we're mad. It's great fun, though, we can snuggle up and keep warm, which we needed to. Even the wild boar wasn't about, it was so cold. But we had the place to ourselves - surprise, surprise - and I had fun playing with my toys.

